Holy Innocents' Epsicopal School

Holy Innocents' Episcopal School stands as the largest Episcopal parish day school in the nation, accommodating a diverse student body of 1,376 spanning from 3-year-olds to 12th graders across its expansive 43-acre campus. It boasts separate facilities for Primary, Lower, Middle, and Upper School, as well as a Fine Arts Building, two modern gymnasiums, and four athletic fields. At the heart of the campus lies the impressive three-story STEM Building, equipped with cutting-edge amenities including a robotics lab, greenhouse, and state-of-the-art broadcast studio.

From the imaginative minds of kindergarten Brainstormers to the advanced studies in Upper School Engineering and Global Citizenship courses, students at HIES are deeply engaged in a challenging academic environment. Renowned programs in reading and writing, a diverse array of foreign language offerings, hands-on science experiences, robotics, Film & TV Production classes, and the Program for Global Citizenship all contribute to a vibrant educational experience. The result is evident in the school's remarkable track record: 100 percent of its graduates proceed to college.

School Philosophy

Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School offers an educational program encompassing academics, arts, athletics, and spiritual formation. Through opportunities to grow intellectually, spiritually, physically, and emotionally, students develop their individual worth and dignity. The challenging academic program prepares students for higher education and emphasizes learning as a pathway toward ethical leadership and a commitment to the common good.

The school provides a welcoming and supportive environment, embraces the differences inherent in a diverse community, and embodies the inclusive Episcopal tradition of respect for the beliefs of others. Holy Innocents’ is an active community of faith engaged in local, national, and international service to others.