Illuminated Pages - Lent Retreat Series 


February 21, February 28, March 6
Ancient sacred manuscripts were illuminated. Scribes decorated the pages with gold gilding and decorative borders in deep reds and brilliant blues, even colorful dragon-like creatures from Celtic lore. Back then, monks did the work.

In Illuminated Pages, you are the modern scribe. We will use the art supplies right on the pages of scripture: watercolors, charcoal, acrylic paints, collage materials, acrylic inks, gesso, colored pencils water-soluble crayons, and maybe even needle and thread! Illumination is where human life, personal experience, and art materials come in contact with the black-letter pages of the Bible to bring the meaning to light.

Give yourself this time apart to plumb the depths, both of your own watchful waiting soul and of the Holy Word, in preparation for the Incarnate One to come among us.

Lead by The Rev. Ruth Pattison - Wednesdays, 5:30 - 7:00 | February 21, February 28, March 6

Event Coordinator The Rev. Ruth Pattison

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