Groups and Bible Studies



A path of discipleship sets out a life-long journey of growth and maturing as a follower of Jesus through a set of practices that draw us more deeply into the heart of God and community and back out into the world. A path of discipleship is both individual and community-oriented and offers practices differentiated along a path of growing faith. Consider joining one of our groups or Bible studies.

Groups for Men

Men of Holy Innocents

Third Fridays 7:30-8:30 AM, Frost Youth Center

A great way to connect with other guys in our church. Hospitality and lively discussion as well as breakfast. Group meets on the third Friday of the month from 7:30-8:30 AM in the Frost Youth Center. 

Men's Dinner and Book Club

Second Tuesdays, every other month 6:30-9:00 PM

The Men’s Dinner and a Book group meet to discuss a book of the group's choosing. A different member hosts each meeting. The group meets on the second Tuesday of every other month from 6:30-9:00 PM.

Men's Retreat

Yearly, mid-April

The Men of Holy Innocents will gather at Lake Logan Episcopal Center, for spiritual enrichment, fellowship, and renewal. Lake Logan, located in Canton, North Carolina near the Blue Ridge Parkway is set on 300 acres at 3000 feet in elevation. Lake Logan offers rustic, comfortable lodging, dining, and gathering facilities with a world-class mountain lake. We will begin our time together with dinner Friday evening, followed by our Saturday morning program. Saturday afternoon we will be free for hiking, a field trip into Waynesville, golf, fishing, or porch sitting. Sunday morning we will wrap up Saturday’s discussion, celebrate Eucharist, and head home.


Groups for Women

Women of Holy Innocents
The Women of Holy Innocents is a vibrant and welcoming group where women can connect through a variety of fun events throughout the year. Last year’s activities included a lively Chili Cookoff, a festive Christmas Cookie Swap, and a soothing Sound Bath Meditation. It’s a wonderful community for making new friends, sharing joyful experiences, and finding support. Contact the Rev. Ruth Pattison to learn more!


Women's Wisdom Circle

Mondays 8:30-9:30 AM

Start your week with authentic, in-depth conversation in the light of wisdom sayings from throughout the ages. We invite you to share the questions, challenges, and thanksgiving of our lives. The Wisdom Circle is open; so come as it fits into your schedule and bring a friend. Visit the Women's Wisdom Circle Blog for more info and to get connected. Contact Abbie Hattauer to learn more


Prayer Shawl Ministry

First Tuesdays 7:00-8:30 PM

Open to all, the Prayer Shawl Ministry offers a chance for service to others as well as a time for socializing. The Guild of Knitters meets monthly on the first Tuesdays of the month from 7:00-8:30 PM and makes prayer shawls, which are kept at the church and delivered to those who are ill or grieving.

Reading Connections (Women's Book Club)

Second Mondays 6:00-7:30 PM

Have you ever read a book and then wanted to discuss and hear other's thoughts and opinions on it?  Share your impression of books, ask questions, and provoke new ideas about relationships, humor, opportunities, the world, and our own aspirations!
 Contact Kathie Larkin to learn more. 


Groups for Everyone

Brown Bag Bible Study

Connect with others in the parish to discuss selected Bible-related readings. Drop-ins are welcome! The group meets on most Mondays at noon when the church office is open. Joining us on Zoom is also an option.


Education for Ministry

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a comprehensive four-year program designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of the Christian faith and its impact on their lives. The program is based on small-group study and practice, with each group mentored by an experienced leader. By exploring theology and spiritual practices in a supportive community, participants are encouraged to engage with their faith in a meaningful way and to apply it to their daily lives. The program meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-9:00 PM through the end of May and begins again in September.


Healing Prayer

Prayers of healing and the laying on of hands are offered after communion in our side chapels. Members of this team usually meet monthly, often reflecting on a book and covenant with God and one another to daily prayer, study, and silence, as both an outward and visible sign of this ministry.


Intercessory Prayer

The Intercessory Prayer Group meets on Mondays at 1:15 pm to pray for needs identified by parishioners and clergy. The group commits to pray daily for each request. Prayers are received by: calls into the church office, prayer cards filled out by Sunday worshipers, and clergy, or call/email to members of the Intercessory Prayer Group.


Joseph of Arimathea | Funeral Ministry 

St. Joseph of Arimathea was organized in 1993, to assist bereaving families at the time of the funeral. It derives its name from Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple of Jesus, who took away the body of Jesus, wrapped him in linen as was the custom, and laid him to rest in the sepulcher. Members of the Committee prepare and serve a reception following funerals.


Second Half

Our seniors, some retired, some still working, gather for occasional meals, services, concerts, reflection, speakers, and just plain fun.


Thursday Morning Bible Study

This group meets weekly on Zoom at 9:00 AM. We read and discuss the Gospel for the coming Sunday. All are welcome to join in as we explore together.



Upcoming Events
