

We are called to be good stewards of all the resources entrusted to us.
Every decision we make about the way we live our lives and use our resources is
an act of stewardship and a tangible expression of our faith.

Click to give

Dear Friends in Christ,

      Thank God for Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church! 

     We are called to be a people of gratitude. We are called to give thanks. We are called to recognize how much God has given us daily. We even call our weekly celebration of the Last Supper with bread and wine our Great Thanksgiving. 
     In the past 3 years, we have had over 30 new families come through our doors and join our loving church. While many churches are struggling and unsure of the future, we see a bright and hopeful tomorrow. We want to build on this success and continue to grow and flourish by focusing both on our new members as well as those who have been supporting our church for years. 
     Our theme this year is Building Bridges. We want to raise our commitment to children and youth, to music, to our staff, and to outreach. There is more information in the included brochure about our plans, hopes, and dreams. Please take a moment to prayerfully reflect on how you can help.
     We want and need everyone in our church to pledge and give. Will you help us build the bridge to our future? Together we can grow our budget by 10% and give thanks for all that Holy Innocents means to us.
     Our Pledge In-gathering Sunday will be Sunday, October 22. We will gather in worship and give thanks for our shared gifts. If you are unable to attend, please mail your pledge to the church office, pledge online, or contact Caroline Fleming in the office. 

     Dave & Stacy Losin                  Chris & Kara Protos                The Rev. Dr. Bill Murray
     2023 Stewardship Chair            2024 Stewardship Chair       Rector


Making a meaningful pledge to support the ministries of Holy Innocents.


Your commitment to make a financial gift to support our mission and ministries. Pledging enables the church staff and vestry to budget responsibly for the year ahead. We operate on the calendar year, so your pledge begins on Jan. 1, 2024, and ends on Dec. 31, 2024.


The traditional measure of giving to the church is the tithe. From ancient times, people have given the first fruits of their labor, the first and best portion to God. Tithing is the biblical principle whereby a person or family gives 10% of their first fruits back to God through the church. We encourage you to consider this spiritual practice. The average 2023 pledge is $5,084.

If a tithe is too big of a leap, consider proportional giving. Start with your expected income for next year and determine a percentage that feels right for you both spiritually and practically. Then aim to increase your giving incrementally each year. 


Yes. Holy Innocents offers several ways to give online and make your giving automatically. You may set up the payments from your card or account to occur on a weekly, biweekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. Contact Caroline in the church office to learn more, 404-751-2906.


Some people choose to transfer stock to Holy Innocents and receive a deduction for the full value without incurring capital gains tax. Some parishioners also find it useful to fulfill their pledge through their IRA Required Minimum Distribution. Please contact the church office to learn more.


Let us know. It is okay! We all face different situations at different times in our lives. Unexpected expenses and events happen. We believe God prefers our gifts of faith and gratitude, not shame and guilt.  


Caroline Fleming | Parish Administrator |   or 404-751-2906.

Other Giving Options

Endowment & Planned Giving

Endowment and planned giving are ways to ensure Holy Innocents continued presence and legacy for years to come. These funds empower ministry beyond what is possible through annual operating funds and assist us in meeting the inevitable, and often unforeseen, challenges we might face. The Legacy Circle is a group of people who have chosen to remember the church in their will or with generous gifts during their lives.

If you would like more information on how to give in this way and impact your community for generations to come, please contact Caroline Fleming today.

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Memorials & Gifts

Gifts and memorials to Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church are a wonderful way to honor a living friend or remember a loved one. The funds are used to improve and maintain the buildings, plant trees and gardens on the grounds, and to purchase sacramental items needed to celebrate services.

For more information on how to give in this way, please contact Melody McNeil today.

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Altar Flowers

Gifts of Altar Flowers can be given in memory of someone who has died or in thanksgiving for an occasion of celebration. Altar flower gifts are recognized in the bulletin on the weekend of their placement.

For more information on how to give in this way, please contact Melody McNeil today.

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