All Church Event Ventulett Gallery

Byzantine Icon Painting Technique and Meditation
Join us for a six-day retreat in Byzantine icon painting technique and Meditation where spirit might inspire you in the sacred art of painting in egg tempera. The schedule begins on Sunday evening with introductions and continues daily from 9:00 until 16:30 for the five-week days.
OCTOBER Sunday 6th to 11th 2024
contact Rev Bill Murray Phone 404-255-4023
Cost 480.00 USD
Where A Sacred Art Becomes Meditation
Iconographers are comparable to scribes: they depict the Bible story while remaining true to the text and message. Classic Byzantine icon painting technique and Meditation dates back to 300-400 AD. The Orthodox church's visual interpretations of the Christ story and its theology have been perfected by the Greeks, Romanians, and Russians for over 1500 years.
A Window into Stillness retreats include prayer, solitude, materials, and painting along with lunch. Each participant will complete one Icon.
No Experience Necessary
Everyone is welcome to join this Byzantine icon painting technique and Meditation workshop. Mary Jane believes the retreat is a welcome time out from our busy lives. Art students, religious people, contemplatives, and all levels of iconographers will get a chance to focus their interior attention. She emphasizes that no previous experience or knowledge of iconography is necessary to make this prayerful art an enriching experience. This workshop is not just for beginners, we are All beginners All the time.
Participants begin with an introduction to this ancient tradition as a language. Mary Jane says that her retreat isn’t about the icons themselves; it’s about reflection, solace, and fostering a connection with the divine. For her, modern icon painting is a way to focus our energy on something greater than ourselves.
“I offer an opportunity and time for people to come closer to God,” Mary Jane says. “Not church-God or my God or iconography’s God— I mean God, the holy divine energy which is in you, the holy heart and light source of intuition. With time and stillness, the mind will quietly surrender. Iconography is like a window in a wall: if you go right up to the window and push your face up against the glass, you will see more light and a greater vast space that is beyond the confines of the room.
For more on Mary Jane Miller, visit and Her books are available for purchase through Lulu self-publishing.