
Adult Formation Opportunities 

Join Us for Learning, Fellowship, and Coffee!

Start your Sunday mornings with coffee, doughnuts, and great conversations in Inglett Hall during our Formation Hour! The next four Sundays offer exciting opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together. Here's what's coming up:

January 19
Dive into the Gospel of Luke with Bill as he explores its themes and relevance in this year’s lectionary cycle. Get a sneak peek at the Book of Acts, which we’ll begin studying on February 9. For book lovers, Sally Parsonson’s
 Faith and Fiction class resumes in the conference room—don’t miss it!

January 26
It’s our Annual Meeting! Come cast your vote for four new Vestry members, hear a positive finance update, and enjoy a presentation from the architects chosen by our Master Plan committee and Vestry.

February 2
Join the conversation about our future! Our architects will host a Master Plan feedback session, gathering input on how our worship and gathering spaces can better serve our ministry needs.

February 9
Embark on an exciting journey through the Book of Acts! Bill will guide us as we delve into the story of the early church, exploring its lessons and inspirations for our faith today. There’s something for everyone—come be part of the conversation and community!

Children and Youth Formation Opportunities 

Godly Play

Godly Play is a Montessori approach to Christian Formation where children in PreK-3rd grade are taught Christian language through the presentation of 3-dimensional stories and open-ended work time.

Club 45

4th and 5th graders are invited to join Club 45 where they will continue their spiritual formation and expand on their language and understanding of their identity in Christ. Club 45 will dig deep into the stories of the Bible using vibrant illustrations to discover their part in God’s big story.


Each Sunday, our youth gather together to check in on each other, enjoy some breakfast, and learn more about God’s Word. Join us as we explore the Gospels this year and discover how their stories fit within our own.