Palm Sunday | March 24
8:00, 10:15 AM & 6:00 PM • Potluck Brunch | 9:00 AM
The annual celebration of the triumphal entry into Jerusalem by Jesus at Passover. We begin by blessings the palms and shouting hosannah and end with the gathering gloom of the week ahead with the reading of the Passion during our services: 8:00 AM in the Christ Chapel, 10:15 AM in the church nave, 5:00 PM for the Spanish service in the Nave, and 6:00 PM in the Chapel. Please bring a dish to share for the potluck brunch in Inglett Hall.
Holy Eucharist | March 25-27
Holy Monday
After the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus visited the home of Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha. In the Gospel of John, Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with a costly ointment. Our seminarian Marycelis preaches as Bill celebrates and offers an anointing prayer in Christ Chapel at 6:00 PM.
Holy Tuesday
In a conversation with some Greeks or Gentiles recorded in the Gospel of John, Jesus predicts his crucifixion. We mark this night by walking the way of the cross through the eyes of women by reading reflections from the book Women of the Passion. Ruth leads this service that concludes with communion in Christ Chapel at 6:00 PM.
Holy Wednesday
Sometimes called Spy Wednesday, the day recalls the betrayal of Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples. We pray for those we love, but we also do the hard work of praying for our enemies and for forgiveness. Our seminarian Taylor preaches, and Stewart celebrates communion in Christ Chapel at 6:00 PM.
Maundy Thursday | March 28
6:00 PM in Christ Chapel and live-streamed
Taken from the Latin mandatum or commandment, the service recalls Christ’s commandment to love one another, his startling action to wash our feet, and then the transition to betrayal and the arrest. Ruth preaches at this service which concludes with the stripping of the altar just as Christ was left alone by those around him. All leave in silence.
Vigil of the Blessed Sacrament | March 28
All night until March 29, 10:00 AM
The reserve sacrament is taken to a small altar set up in the Oratory which is decorated as a garden. All are invited to come and watch with the Lord and spend time in prayer anytime through the night until the vigil ends with a brief service of Morning Prayer at 10:00 am in Christ Chapel.
Good Friday | March 29
12:00 PM in the nave and live-streamed
Marking the hour where Jesus hung on the cross, the church worships together in the church nave at noon with readings, preaching, and solemn prayers. Bill will preach at this is a difficult but important service to share as a community.
Easter Vigil | March 30
7:00 PM in the nave and live-streamed
Perhaps the most triumphant and joyful service of the year, this service marks the moment when Jesus was raised from the dead to bring new life to the world. The Vigil begins in the Memorial Garden in darkness with a kindling of the new Paschal/Easter fire and gradually moves into the Church nave. With choir, organ, brass, chanting, incense, readings, and the first Eucharist of Easter, we celebrate the defeat of death and the promise of new life. Stewart preaches and Ruth celebrates and baptizes her first grandchild!
Easter Day | March 31
8:00 am | Holy Eucharist in Christ Chapel
9:30 AM | Easter Egg Hunt
10:15 AM | Holy Eucharist in the Nave
11:15 AM | Youth Easter Egg Hunt
5:00 PM | Spanish Service in the Nave
6:00 PM | Celtic Service in Christ Chapel
The Church celebrates Christ’s joyful resurrection as a community at our regularly scheduled services with singing, prayers, preaching, and praise. The rector will preach as we celebrate with choir, organ, brass and a beautifully decorated church. The 10:15 AM service will be live-streamed.