March 2 | Thursday in the First Week of Lent

Posted by The Rev. John Porter on March 02, 2023

“If you want to understand the Country, visit McDonald’s” 

- Chris Arnade, Dignity 

You can find these restaurants everywhere. In the poorest and the wealthiest towns and cities and hamlets. To be frank about it, McDonald’s is one of the few restaurant options open to those who are heavy laden. Many of the people who dine there are struggling to maintain dignity and self respect. So many people like myself consider restaurants like McDonald’s places to avoid. Walmart, Big Lots and Dollar Generals complete a roster of facilities I rarely patronize. Except when we are returning from the beach and yearn for our annual Big Mac... and to use the facilities, of course.

McDonald’s is where Americans relax and rest. It is where America dines. It offers anyone and everyone free Wi-Fi, clean water, clean facilities, and a place to charge one’s phone. Did I mention some of the best coffee around - perhaps? McDonald’s is where the people gather. And if we are lucky, we can catch a glimpse of the people Jesus loved and with whom he spent so many days. 

When I was in graduate school, my Professor in Ethics was Professor Damian Blair. He was a no nonsense teacher, strict on class attendance and rigid with his deadlines and assignments. His examinations were rigorous, expecting mastery of the subject matter at hand and insight into application and interpretation.

His application question, accounting for 33% of the Final Exam Grade:

What is the name of the woman who cleans the common room and the kitchen in your residence and study hall?

What is the name of the man who cleans the toilets and the showers in this residence hall?

I did not know. I greeted them both but never cared enough to ask their names.

“...The word goes in one ear and out the other…don’t act like someone who glances in the mirror, walks away, and two minutes later has no idea who he is and what he looks like….” James 2: 23-24 

It cost me an A. I had to settle for a B. 

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