Every week, we gather around the altar and spread a feast of bread and wine, with a silver chalice, candlesticks, ornamented damask, and sometimes exotic flowers (or in the case of Lent: exotic canned goods and pantry staples!) We make Eucharist because everyone is welcome at God’s table. There is room for you and there is enough of God to go around. The faith community is built on promises that we make together, to live together, to love together, to strive together, to serve the world together, and to not be alone on this spiritual journey. To be in it together.
I recently read that the fastest-growing demographic is the person without a community.
We are about the mission of sacred community building. Sometimes, whole families attend the church but only one person is a member. We have many families for whom only the baby is a member because when they are baptized, they are initiated as full members of the church. In many cases, folks imagine we can kind of “marry in” to the church, and only one person of the couple is a member.
And I wonder, do you know if you are indeed a member of Holy Innocents? So, what about this covenant community and being “all in?” If you would like to take the step of joining this parish, then the Liturgy of Belonging is for you. We want to welcome you, and invite you to say in a big way: “I’m all in!”
Be a part of Welcome Sunday on March 19th, with a breakfast reception at 9:00 AM in Inglet Hall. We will honor those who have decided to make Holy Innocents their church home and plan to participate in the Liturgy of Belonging at the 10:15 AM service.
With love,
The Rev. Ruth Pattison
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