Serve at HIEC

Children’s Ministry Helpers: Organizing Supplies


It is a running joke in Children’s Ministry that a huge part of the job is moving loads of supplies from one place to another. In Children’s Ministry we plan and organize props for teaching, supplies for games, arts and craft activities, science experiments and of course snacks. With many of our ministry events involving more than one of the above components we have a dire need for Ministry Helpers in the following areas:

Organizing supplies- Keeping our supply closet organized is vital to keeping the ministry running smoothly so every few weeks it needs attention just to make sure that all the Sunday School and GLOW supplies have gotten stored back in their proper places. This is because we do so many different activities for Sunday School and GLOW that we use multiple kinds of supplies.  But having everything organized helps tremendously in planning because I can go in there and see what we have and then I can plan a ministry activity that makes use of those things. 


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