
Becoming A Member

Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church matters – to its members, to Sandy Springs, and to the world. And YOU matter to Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church.
Once you have had a chance to get to know us, we hope that you and your family will become active members of our faith community. Here are some frequently asked questions about membership.

Q. What does membership mean?
A. Joining a church is like starting a relationship. We have expectations of our church, and our church rightly has expectations of us.
We believe there are four basic expectations of active membership:

  1. Worship regularly in person or online
  2. Connect with others through prayer and fellowship
  3. Serve our neighbors and change the world
  4. Give to support the church’s ministry

Q. What does it take to become a member?
A. The first step is filling out our Information Card. In addition to contact information, let us know whether you are baptized and/or confirmed. We can then request a transfer from your prior church if necessary.

 Q. What is Baptism?
A. Baptism in water in the name of the Trinity is the beginning of a new life in Christ and entrance into a church community. Infants and children are welcome to receive the sacrament, while some people are not baptized until they are older.

Q. Do I need to be a “baptized Episcopalian” to become a member?
A. We believe we are baptized into the Body of Christ not any particular denomination. So, if you have been baptized with water in the name of the Trinity you are already a member of the universal Body of Christ and don’t need to be re-baptized.

Q. What if I haven’t been baptized at all?
A. If you haven’t been baptized, we would love to offer this sacrament to you. Please speak to one of our clergy or click here to find out more here.

Q. What is confirmation, and do I need to be confirmed?
A. While Baptism is the sole requirement for membership, Confirmation represents a deepening awareness and commitment to the love of God poured out in baptism. It involves a season of study and reflection, culminating in a ceremony where adults and teens publicly affirm their desire to follow Christ. Classes to prepare for this commitment and sacramental rite will be held several months ahead. This year our bishop will visit on April 28, 2024, to lead this service.

Q. What if I was confirmed in another faith tradition?
A. If you have been confirmed by a bishop in the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, or other churches observing the apostolic succession of bishops, you do not need to be reconfirmed. Many choose to be received as members of Holy Innocents and take instruction on the doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Episcopal Church along with candidates for confirmation.

Q. Are there different types of membership?
A. Yes, in the Episcopal Church,

  • communicant is any baptized member who takes communion at least 3 times a year.
  • baptized, confirmed communicant in good standing (BCC) is someone who, during the previous year, “has been faithful in attending corporate worship and in praying, working, and giving (pledging a financial offering) for the spread of the kingdom of God." You need to be a BCC to vote at the annual meeting, and to serve on the Vestry.

 When you are ready to consider membership and your continued participation in the Church, please reach out to The Rev. Ruth Pattison at  .


Explore our 2023-2024 Ministry Handbook to discover opportunities for deeper involvement in our community life.

Ministry Handbook