6th-8th Grade Sunday School Teacher
Are you looking for a chance to become a strong, Christian mentor for a young person?
Are you looking for a chance to become a strong, Christian mentor for a young person?
Do you enjoy talking through theological questions?
It can be hard navigating which opportunity is right for you.
Click the link below and fill out a short interest form.
Ms. Renee prepares all curriculum and teaches the Bible lesson in large group and then we break out into small groups for further discussion and activities.
Wednesday Night GLOW meets once a month on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 PM.
For those who take joy in crafting there are several ways that you can use your talent to serve the children.
For our special events, we need friendly faces to great families and children, check them in, and get them safely situated in our space.
Keeping our supply closet organized is vital to keeping the ministry running smoothly so every few weeks it needs attention just to make sure that all the Sunday School and GLOW supplies have gotten stored back in their proper places